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Missouri State Park Book Mockup
Missouri State Park Book Mockup
Missouri State Park Book Mockup

Missouri Life's Missouri State Parks 100th Anniversary 

Special Edition Book

This book, created for Missouri Life Inc., serves as a practical guide for Missouri's 92 state parks and state historic sites. Each page features helpful tools for visitors, such as:

  1. Icons indicating which amenities the location offers.

  2. Sidebars listing hiking, biking, and horse trails, and historic structures at the site.

  3. Indicator maps with arrows pointing to the location within the state of Missouri.

  4. Sidebars with fun facts, the name of the county the park is in, and how many acres large it is.

  5. Icons indicating locations that are National Historic Sites and Natural Historic Landmarks.

In addition to these tools, each page has a short essay and photos of its park or site. 


The concept and design for this book, including the layout templates and tools listed above, were created by Kath Teoli. This project was overseen by Sarah Hackman, Creative Director at Missouri Life Inc. 

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